September 17, 2003

A great idea

Let's hope the implementation lives up to the potential.

(from Rec.Models.Rockets newsgroup)

Imagine if you will, someone looking up the name of a senator opposed
to improving the lot of hobby rocketry. This person would write
letters - not to the senator, but to the entities funding the senator.
This person would tell said entities how unhappy they were with the
senator's position. This person would tell said entity that they would
be boycotted until they a) quit funding the senator or b) got the
senator to change his or her mind.

So what? One person writing letters doesn't accomplish much.

But imagine what would happen if everyone here started writing

If you thought the senators were amazed at how many letters we
generated, imagine what the corporations would think!

Posted by Ted at September 17, 2003 09:07 AM | TrackBack

Ted, check my post Ted has a problem.

Posted by: Victor at September 17, 2003 04:10 PM
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