Not only that, but he's a whining baby with a dark past. I guess I should be more careful since he's got Michele and God on his side (not necessarily in that order). I've never been one to take the hint and lay low, so here you go Bill, all the freakin' linkage you've been begging for.
I've got the goods on you, pal. You're living a lie and I have proof that you're not the wild-assed party animal you pretend to be on the internet. Photographic evidence exists in the extended entry.
Concept and research by Ted, damning evidence provided by the supremely talented Jennifer. With love Bill, with love.
Posted by Ted at October 10, 2003 09:05 AMBut which one is he? :)
Posted by: LeeAnn at October 10, 2003 09:52 AMThat is the absolute BEST!
That's gonna be hard to top!
Posted by: Paul at October 10, 2003 09:56 AMWho's that with Chip? I mean Bill? His altar boy?
Posted by: John at October 10, 2003 10:01 AM