December 18, 2003

Odds and ends

Please notice the St. Louis Blues logo up in the corner. The Blues beat my beloved San Jose Sharks last night, so in accordance with the rules of our inter-Munuvian Hockey Whoopass Jamboree, I'll be displaying the logo of Heather's favorite team for the next day or so.

Look for the next installment of the Build It series this weekend. We'll be attaching the fins to the rocket and starting the recovery system.

Oh yeah, I got two pretty good wishes in the comments, but that's all? C'mon people.

Posted by Ted at December 18, 2003 10:27 PM
Category: Square Pegs

Yeah, the Blues are kickin' everyone's butt this season. I wonder if Heather will put up their logo if they go on a losing streak?

Posted by: Victor at December 19, 2003 08:20 AM
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