Don't forget all the military folks in your prayers, because you don't need someone shooting at you to make it a dangerous job. Last month the submarine USS Hartford had an accident while conducting training off the coast of Italy. Nobody was hurt, and the boat returned to the US under her own power. Damage turned out to be more extensive than initially thought.
I prattle on now and then about the Navy submarine fleet because it interests me, and because my son is serving on the Hartford's sister ship USS Philadelphia, also somewhere in the Mediteranian at this time.
Thanks to Phillip for this pointer.
Posted by Ted at December 24, 2003 10:15 AM | TrackBackI'm a little slow but in response to WWJD, I was told that 'J' could never drive a manual because of all of the problems with the stickshift...
Posted by: Anonymous Kyle at December 24, 2003 10:40 AMAmen to that, Ted.
Submariners have my special respect. I toured a sub once and had horrible claustrophobia in just a few minutes. I can't imagine living in one, much less living in one doing such a stressful job.
Posted by: Nic at December 24, 2003 01:42 PM