May 15, 2004

In space, no one can hear you say stupid things

I got this comment to one of my space posts a while back, and had put it aside to respond to later. I forgot about it. Naturally, the return email was bogus, but the sentiments contained within are worth looking at again.

I believe that there should be one global space program (to help it move along quicker) However, it should be noted that if any country needs a space program, it's China.

When one and one half billion people live in an area the size of the US, and when they have to commit genocide against the Tibetans in order to resettle the Han population, I say it's about time to resettle the same Han Population onto the Moon.

Not only China, but also India, Bangladesh, Madagascar, the United States etc need to resettle their collective populaces outside the Earth for the sake of environmental recovery.

People need to settle on the Moon etc As Soon As is Possible. There are way too many people on the Earth and for each person born (especially to the wealthy) our resources are strained more and more and our environment is further decimated. It would be best if ALL the people on planet Earth left for space, save for a few indigenous peoples. That would give the Earth time to repair it's self.

Eventually all the cities towns and villages lying along the great coastal plains will have to build protective domes around them (as the ice caps melt and sea levels rise). The Space program may very well supply this technology.

The given link [here ya go - RJ] shows all the eco-regions and how, why, and to what extent they are being threatened.

Oh man, where to begin...

Posted by Ted at May 15, 2004 06:14 AM
Category: Square Pegs

It would be best if ALL the people on planet Earth left for space, save for a few indigenous peoples.

Those not indigenous to Earth, off you go!

Posted by: Nic at May 15, 2004 06:58 AM

we should colinize the moon. But not for the reasons this clown says. In the words of George Carlin: "The planet is FINE, the people are F***ED"

Posted by: Mookie at May 15, 2004 07:20 AM

Ummmmmmmmm....someone mistook their PCP stash for sugar...?

Sheesh. A million years of evolution, and we end up with people who take Captain Planet seriously...


Posted by: Denita TwoDragons at May 15, 2004 12:33 PM


At least the headline you assigned was intelligent; nothing in your correspondent's post was.

I was particularly enlightened to learn that wealthy peoples' kids place more of a strain on the environment than others.

Who knew that Greenpeace recruited Mongoloids as members?

Posted by: Patton at May 16, 2004 03:26 AM

At least we have one green who supports the space program. You know, he took an aweful risk making that comment. His green masters could have him excommunicated for suggesting that we could have a technological solution to a problem. Any problem.

Posted by: buckethead at May 17, 2004 01:58 PM
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