April 11, 2004

Glad I'm not in *her* address book

My wife is watching The Beautician and the Beast (1997) starring Fran Drescher and Timothy Dalton, and she tells me that they've just mentioned a third celebrity in the dialogue who's now dead: Mother Theresa, JFK Junior and just now Sonny Bono. That's kinda spooky, considering the movie was made fairly recently.

Posted by Ted at April 11, 2004 09:29 PM
Category: Cult Flicks

The Big Hair & I were JUST talking about that movie.

Best Line (in fact, the ONLY good line):

(after Fran shows the kids "West Side Story" to teach "Romeo & Juliet")

Karl: America has many problems with gangs, but I did not know they were so proficient in ballet.

Posted by: Rob at April 12, 2004 10:47 AM

Hmmm. Beauticia and the Beast was a 1997 film; Mother Teresa died in Sept '97; Sonny Bono died in the winter of '97-'98; and JFK Jr crashed in August(?) '98. Spooky, indeed.
I wonder if the original shooting script also mentioned John Denver and Diana...?

Posted by: Tuning Spork at April 12, 2004 09:35 PM
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