May 03, 2004

Cross your fingers

send good thoughts
eminate positive vibes
say a little prayer
wish upon a star
whatever, it's all appreciated...

hoping for good news this afternoon.

Update: Nope, no word today. To misquote Van Morrison: "Just because you didn't hear from him, that just means he didn't call."

Hopefully tomorrow. And as soon as I hear, I'll let you know too. In the meantime, those good vibes couldn't hurt, so keep 'em coming.

Posted by Ted at May 3, 2004 10:43 AM
Category: Square Pegs

Good Luck!!!

(Do we get to know what the news are once you know???)

Posted by: Blogeline at May 3, 2004 12:03 PM

Of course!

Posted by: Victor at May 3, 2004 12:34 PM
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