June 16, 2004

Battle Reenactment

I noticed a license plate frame announcing the fact that the driver was a Civil War Reenactor.

I can't believe that it's strictly an American phenomenom, but I've never heard of it happening anywhere else. Are there groups in other parts of the world that reenact historical battles? Waterloo? Agincourt?

I'm curious, gonna go Google...

...found a couple. Here's a site that talks about an annual reenactment of a battle between Christian and Muslim forces in 1091, but it looks to be a small-scale representation held in the city square.

Here's a site that talks about an annual event that includes a reenactment of the WWII D-Day landings, from Lake Erie onto the shore at Conneaut, Ohio. This sounds cool.

I like this next one! The Californian Made Up Battle Reenactment Society recreates historically accurate battles which never actually happened. Among their recent reenactments were: Egyptians vs. Aztecs- The Battle of the Credit for Inventing the Pyramid, England vs. USA - The 1899 Battle of the 'Z' Pronuciation, and France vs. Itself - The 1986 Battle of No Point.

I found a site from the Ukraine that seems to be about a group of military history enthusiasts, but it's heavily under construction and I couldn't find a way to their reenactment pages. It appears that they do a reenactment of the 1812 battle of Borodino between Russian forces and Napoleon's invading army.

And of course, as often happens when Googling, I stumbled across some unexpected treasure: the site for the magnificent State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia. Very impressive online collection, well worth some time spent browsing.

Search results showed that the vast majority of the reencactments are American Civil War era, although I did find a few from the American Revolutionary War and some from other countries.

Posted by Ted at June 16, 2004 07:11 AM
Category: History

There seems to be quite a list here

Which is http://moas.atlantia.sca.org/topics/groups.htm if your comments don't allow links.

This list ends at the 17th century, which makes them mostly pre-American.

Posted by: David at June 16, 2004 10:49 AM

Cool, thanks for that link

Posted by: Ted at June 16, 2004 01:41 PM

In the computer game Fallout there's a group of characters who hold an annual re-enactment of the US invasion of Canada (ca. 2000).

This consists of them stepping across a line representing the border.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at June 18, 2004 03:00 AM

The International Association of Pointless Organizations!!!!! ROFL!!!!!! I love it! Thank you, Ted, you made my day!

Posted by: Susie at June 18, 2004 06:30 AM
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