In the comments, John mentioned that Estes is listed as a sponsor of Space Ship One's XPrize attempt. I don't know how much of a sponsor they are, but they are releasing eight flyable model rockets of the various XPrize entrants.
Courtesy of Ye Olde Rocket Shoppe, here's a look at four, and four more. Pretty cool. I'll be getting the complete collection.
Posted by Ted at September 29, 2004 04:17 PMEstes Rocket Company is right outside of town here where I live. I even know people that work there.
That said, my experience with rockets is dismal. Mine always blow up. Very sad.
Posted by: Derek at September 29, 2004 05:02 PMHi Ted!
*waves vigorously
I have survived the storms and dragged myself here soaking wet and shivering
Feed Me!
Posted by: Tricia at September 29, 2004 09:18 PMFeed you?!?!?!? After surviving that, you need a couple shots of tequila. I'll clear the table in case you wanna dance. ;)
Posted by: Ted at September 30, 2004 06:01 AM