October 26, 2004

Baseball Oddities

Just for fun, I googled the phrase "Baseball Oddities" and here's a sampling of what popped up.

"Despite my enduring respect, there are many attributes of the game that make me scratch my head." -- Aaron Arkin.

Four things that don't really make sense: Pitchers that can't hit, arguing balls and strikes, coaches in uniforms and pitchers wearing a windbreaker when they run the bases.

Here's a quiz about odd baseball stats and trivia. It's tough, I only scored 6 correct out of 15!

In May, 2001, Baseball Digest printed an article about the Nine Strangest Major League Games. Good stuff.

This next one had me laughing. A Day at the Ballpark - with Middle-Schoolers. In it, the author talks about a surreal day watching the Oakland A's taking on the Boston Red Sox.

Middle schooler: How much for the sodas?

Vendor: Three dollars.

Middle schooler (with a very sarcastic look on his face): No, for reals, how much?

Vendor : (remains silent, but obviously thinking of a very bad word)

Finally (I'm tired of typing, there's plenty more to choose from), this site is a baseball blog by a stats fanatic who does the analysis on the most undeserving selections to the All-Star Team. As expected, there's a lot of great players who made it long after their prime, getting there on reputation alone.

Posted by Ted at October 26, 2004 05:46 AM
Category: History

l948 georgia alabama league class d I stole home twice in the same inning. this is a oddity.

Posted by: hank savage at February 25, 2005 08:33 PM
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