The assistant to the President of Notre Dame has shaved her head to protest the firing of former football coach Tyrone Willingham.
"The process was flawed," Johnson said. "There weren't enough people in the conversation. And there was little or no consideration of the ramifications of the decision."
In other words, the people who were delegated the authority to hire and fire football coaches did so, but because Willingham is black, that makes it wrong and different this time.
Johnson also said the decision has hurt Notre Dame's goal of improving diversity on campus.
Bullshit. Notre Dame has hundreds if not thousands of applications for each student slot available.
"I think the damage that was done by this decision is irreparable in the immediate future," she told the newspaper.
Yep, doom and gloom. "Irreperable" damage. Whitey is just jumping for joy over this one.
On Wednesday, [University President] Malloy said he was surprised Willingham was not given more time to try to succeed and that he was embarrassed by the firing.
Translation: "A shitstorm has developed over the firing of a non-performing football coach who happens to be black, and I need to cover my ass. Besides, football isn't that important to colleges anyways, especially not to Notre Dame."
I have a dream, when a man will be judged not by the color of his skin, but by the performance of the job he's been hired to do.
Posted by Ted at December 9, 2004 04:47 PMAlmost too much moonbattery to respond to in a coherent comment.
"The process was flawed,"
"There weren't enough people in the conversation" evidenced by the "fact" that...
"...there was little or no consideration of the ramifications of the decision."
The ramifications would be that the team might get a better coach, right? Wrong?!
Johnson also said the decision has hurt Notre Dame's goal of improving diversity on campus.
So it's not about what you can do, or even that you can or can't do anything at all, it's about the color of your skin. It's about the color of your skin. It's all about the color of your skin.
"I think the damage that was done by this decision is irreparable in the immediate future"
A football coach got fired *gasp!*.
Yank yer thinker outta yer sphincter and shaddap.
Posted by: Tuning Spork at December 11, 2004 07:13 PM