I just saw a commercial on TV for a cordless soldering iron that supposedly cools in seconds. They showed this guy attaching a wire to a doorbell on his porch, then slipping the iron into his shirt pocket, while the voiceover says:
Now that's smart!
No, it's not.
Posted by Ted at February 24, 2005 09:46 PMI think they are using the "looking neat and well dressed" definition of smart.
You know, he doesn't have wires and bits of metal and stuff hanging out of his pocket. And as long as you take the picture really fast, you don't see the tendrils of smoke from his burning pocket.
Either way, I want one of those soldering irons. :-)
Posted by: GEBIV at February 24, 2005 10:19 PMIf he were really smart, wouldn't he have a pocket protector?
Posted by: Allan at February 25, 2005 12:48 AMMan, the only commercials we get at three in the morning star talking collies promoting used car lots.
Posted by: Brian J. at February 25, 2005 11:24 AM