February 26, 2005

A new series

I found something interesting while hunting for vintage erotica online.

Someone was kind enough to scan and post a whole heap of Players Cigarette cards. I've since discovered (Google is your friend) that Players has apparently always included some sort of trading card with every pack of cigarettes. The topics have run the range from "wildflowers of Britain" to classic cars to "wonders of the deep" and many many many more. You can see samples of many of these sets on eBay. They're popular collectables and big movers.

This particular set of 85 cards is of Actresses, and were released during the late 1930's (from clues like "her latest film was...").

I'll post one of these every once in a while, with a couple of simple links to IMDB.com or a bio if I can find one. You might be surpirsed at some of the familiar names you'll see. The category is "Star Cards" (over on the right column), and you can click there at any time to see all that I've posted. Hope you enjoy.

To kick it off, here's the first one of the series that I have:

Gwili Andre

Click on the card for larger size.

Gwili Andre: her IMDB page and a brief bio (tragic). In the picture, notice in the lower left corner the word "Radio". That was the studio she was signed to - RKO - back in the days when each studio kept it's stable of stars under exclusive contract.

Posted by Ted at February 26, 2005 09:59 AM
Category: Star Cards

I was up at the Menonite flea market in WV many years ago and saw a set of collectors card from around the turn of the century from Wonder Bread.They covered the subject of outdoor skills and woodcraft.The guy selling them had the entire set of around a hundred or so.Imagine that I thought $16 was a lot at the time so I passed.I've never been able to find them since.

Posted by: Russ at February 26, 2005 02:30 PM
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