Credit where due. Sometime late this morning we lost internet service at the house. When I got home around 1pm I did the normal routine (reset the modem, reset the router, reboot the PC), but apparently not in the correct order or something. A call to Comcast and the help desk technician helped us get back up and running in less than an hour.
I also note that they've gotten used to the idea that many people hang routers off their modems. Time was, they'd have you disconnect everything so that only your PC was on the modem. Now they assume you're using the router and deal with it in a generic way.
Comcast has been extremely reliable for us over the last several years, and although fixes haven't always been this quick and easy, they've gotten it right sooner or later. Your milage may vary, but based on my experiences I'd recommend them.
Posted by Ted at June 5, 2005 02:46 PMI actually left Comcast because of some particularly horrific customer service incidents with them last year. There was the time where they went through all the troubleshooting and couldn't figure the problem out. So they scheduled a technician to come out ...... 4 days later! And then 6 hours later they called me back and told me that they were having a network outage and my problem should be fixed in an hour so and they were going to cancel the technician. Now, why didn't they know when I called that they had a network problem? In fact, they did, as a manager explained to me, but they didn't have a way to let their helpdesk know! What????? That's ridiculous I said. And cancelled my service, switching to my local DSL provider. I also cancelled my cable, went to DirecTV (with TiVo) and I've never looked back. My satellite and internet service cost less, customer service is better and the satellite plus TiVo is far better, technically.
Glad it worked out well for you, and fairly surprised.
Posted by: Eric at June 5, 2005 03:02 PMWe use their cable modem only, and Dish satellite for television. My main objection to satellite modems is that in this area we'd suffer fairly frequent service interruptions from the weather. With the cable modem, we don't have that problem.
Posted by: Ted at June 5, 2005 05:29 PMGlad to hear all of this input.We have Adelphia which is being bought by Comcast.Their techs are great but the people at the service center are out there to put it mildly.
Posted by: Russ at June 5, 2005 11:25 PM