June 20, 2005

My Opinion

I've always been, in the vernacular, a linker rather than a thinker. Proud of my place in the grand scheme of things, even when called that less than complimentary term: link whore. If the shoe fits, as they say.

But what does bother me is the idea that I might be the blogging equivalent of People magazine. Somewhere, some tech-savvy blogger takes his laptop into the john and calls up Rocket Jones while he sits upon the throne, because like the aforementioned dead tree rag, my public writings are short, shallow, insipid (or all three) enough to indulge in during the length of an average crap (to paraphrase a great movie line).

I'll never be exclusively a thinker, but in order to add some variety to my normal blogging, I'm toying with the idea of posting more opinion pieces. So, to kick things off, I'd like to say:

Peas. I like them.

A little mental fiber to go along with the flake.

Posted by Ted at June 20, 2005 05:32 PM
Category: Square Pegs

woohoo, way to take a stand Ted!

Posted by: Eric at June 20, 2005 10:54 PM

Sure, it starts out polite enough, but in a few minutes this harmless looking "peas" topic will be a major brawl. I've seen it before.

Posted by: dogette at June 21, 2005 10:20 AM

Since this is my site, I reserve the right to ban those pushy succotash gangbangers any time I want.

Posted by: Ted at June 21, 2005 11:42 AM

Peas stole the election!

Peas started an illegal war for vegetable OIL to enrich their carrot cronies at Del Monte!

Peas went AWOL from the Vegetable National Guard!


Posted by: Rob@L&R at June 21, 2005 01:45 PM

Peas are ok, but Lima Beans are disgusting.

Always willing to do my bit to encourage enlightened discourse.

Posted by: owlish at June 22, 2005 12:32 PM

Well, I must chime in here t'say that you're links are kewl, always. But, t'tell ya the truth, the real highlights, fer me, are when you do actually spout off an opinion piece.

More opinion and actress Star Cards posts, please! :)

Posted by: Tuning Spork at June 22, 2005 11:02 PM
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