November 29, 2003


I was jes' chillin' last night and caught an interesting program on TV. Listed as Bram Stoker's Burial of the Rats, it stared Adrienne Barbeau and lots and lots of other scantily clad ladies. And rats. Although they're not treated all that kindly (there are a couple of rat deaths), they are an integral part of the story. Did I mention scantily clad ladies? We're talking serious leather bikini's and topless dancing. And rats. And scantily clad ladies.

It was on the Showtime Beyond channel, Victor.

Posted by Ted at November 29, 2003 07:53 AM
Category: Munuvian Daily Tattler

Rats automatically turn the cheesiest movie into artsy-fartsy cinema.

Posted by: Victor at November 29, 2003 12:24 PM

Poor rats...I hope they bit the crew when they tried to kill them.

Posted by: Serenity at November 29, 2003 02:20 PM

Poor rats...I hope they bit the crew when they tried to kill them.

Posted by: Serenity at November 29, 2003 02:20 PM

Poor rats...I hope they bit the crew when they tried to kill them.

Posted by: Serenity at November 29, 2003 02:21 PM

Like you said, oooooh-kay.


Posted by: Jennifer at November 29, 2003 02:58 PM

Well, it was Bram Stoker, so that also makes it literature. :D I looked into it a little further, and it was a made-for-TV Showtime production. That explains the maximum boobage. Apparently these weren't normal rats either, groups of them could strip a skeleton clean quick enough to make piranha jealous.

Posted by: Ted at November 29, 2003 05:58 PM
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