This special Rocketing edition is brought to you by people on the move. Specifically:
annika - who never capitalizes her name and has chosen to become a Munuvian. Yay!
Sarah - who does capitalize, is Trying to Grok and is also warmly welcomed into the Munuvian fold. Yay!
Jon of QandO, who has not only moved, but added a second blogger, one McQ. I assume that this is not a Beeblebroxian development.
Finally (as in "this is the last one", not "it's about damn time"), the Happy Furry Puppy Story Timelessness of Norbizness now has his own domain.
Much adjusteth of blogrolls should commence.
All righty. Now that the general housekeeping is out of the way, let's go look around, eh? It's freakin' cold out, and that means my hibernation instinct is at war with my inner-Canadian. Conflict: sleep now vs drinking to unconsciousness.
Roberto of DynamoBuzz fame follows the most underreported political story of the campaign (so far). That's right, the eBay auction of General Wesley Clark's sweater. I will not make fun of it, because the proceeds go to a veteran's group, which is a very good thing. Instead, I'll mention that in the comments Roberto and yours truly swap 'pocket protector' stories. I definitely come out ahead in that exchange.
Starhawk and Serenity both link to pictures of a rock in Iowa. Not the one around Dean's neck, but this one. (Serenity, your permalink for that post wouldn't work for me)
As usual, Ghost of a flea provides countless diversions and interesting posts. Being the shallow 'ooo-look-at-the-pretty-pictures' type, I'll mention Eyeball, which is a collection of aerial photographs (and detailed maps) of American landmarks. But there's much more to see when you visit the flea.
And I'm a poet, and don't I know it.
Did I mention I'm really cold?
I've decided that the next time I want to bet on something, I'll ask JimiLove, and then bet the opposite.
The Meatriarch always has insightful and thought-provoking things to say which is why I wait for the movie, and these days are no different. He makes valid points for why we as a community (the blogosphere) should be branching out beyond our narrow borders and making ourselves heard on the outside. He also talks about great barbeque, dog breeds (not for barbeque), and other diverse topics to entertain and inform. He's also Canadian, but probably posts before doing most of his drinking because he's usually coherent.
I give this guy a hard time, mainly because he deserves it. To his credit, he's never threatened me. This go-round, he points the way to a nifty little site where you can have your very own crappy handwriting converted into a font. How cool is that?
"OTA OK". Ever get one of those on your mobile phone? Petrilli did and tracked down why. Apparently it's not an uncommon thing.
It's been awhile since I've done the synergist bit, but these two adjacent stories at Phillip Coons' place just beg for it:
Running mate rumorand
Dick Cheney will step down as VP candidate and the likely replacement is Giuliani.
Sara Lee Drops Jimmy Dean as Sausage Spokesman
So, Giuliani (or Condi Rice according to some) becomes VP candidate, Cheney gets his folksy on by selling us processed pork (big change there, eh?), and Jimmy Dean... Well, it takes all kinds of critters to make Farmer Vincent fritters. See how easy that is?
There isn't one single thing worth linking to over at Sanity's Edge. Read everything, because Paul is on a roll, and it's all funny.
Say Uncle leads the way to a report via Publicola that a pro-Kucinich Site had some... er... issues with some graphics they ripped off linked to. Actually, the pro-K folks (not to be confused with pre-K) were blissfully unaware of the link switcheroo that was (justifiably) done to their targets.
SilverBlue, because I haven't lately. Tink for the same reason. I enjoy my daily visits to both.
And a quick rundown on those newly added but currently unalphabetized on my blogroll. What exactly does it mean to be so mis-filed? Not a thing, except that I haven't gotten around to it yet. They may or may not consider being mentioned by me an honor, I'm afraid to ask.
California Yankee - I grew up in the Bay Area, and this name just seems wrong, like being a New York Gia... nevermind.
GDay Mate - from Oz. Not the halucinegenic poppy-filled Oz, the other one.
SpankysPlace - Even the staff doesn't like being at the Emergency Room.
J-Walk Blog - Where Glenn often gets his inspiration.
Symphony X - Culture, classical music and art. Lynn and Daniel both linked to this site recently.
The Eternal Golden Braid - An emphasis on space and technology.
Dustbury - I don't have a handle on this one yet, having just started reading there. But he's nice to Mookie, and that counts for something right up front.
I'm still cold.
Posted by Ted at January 21, 2004 06:13 AMI STILL haven't received my latest Walter Giardino fan club newsletter!
Yuor friend in fandom,
Ted (Waltermania - Pres.)
that hurt.
Posted by: jim at January 21, 2004 12:25 PMThanks Ted! I enjoy reading you too.
My office is cold too.
Posted by: Tink at January 21, 2004 06:35 PMJim, my prediction skills aren't much better. :) If I were a gambling man, I'd be homeless for sure.
Posted by: Ted at January 22, 2004 07:49 AMI don't drink. But I do have a drink named after me.
Posted by: The Meatriarchy at January 27, 2004 10:03 PMYay! Thanks for the shout, Ted. Actually it's Pixy who capitalized my name. Any thoughts on how to change it to lower case in MT?
Posted by: annika at January 28, 2004 12:06 PM