Ever notice that the cost of roses goes up in the week before Valentine's Day? In our years of wedded bliss, I've mostly ignored Valentine's Day (beyond a simple card), although every few years I'll get Liz candy or flowers, and a couple of times I got her a gift every day for the week leading up to it (balloons, stuffed animal, jewelry, etc). I don't want to become predictable and have her get bored with me, at least that's what I tell her. Truth is, I can't be bothered to care about a lame made-up holiday.*
Now this site nails it: Be My Anti-Valentine. Send one of their cards any ol' time, just because.
Thanks to Squipper for that link! Also, for those less romantically-challenged than I (or if you're in the doghouse, you unfeeling bastard), and you're looking for unique jewelry ideas, try here.
*For those who think that statement might be useful as blackmail fodder, think again. Liz knows my feelings about it, and it frustrates the bejeebers outta her.
Posted by Ted at February 7, 2004 11:33 AMThanks so much for the links! -- I'm just reading through your blog now and suspect I'll be adding you to my lobster - I mean - blog roll :-)
Posted by: Cindy at February 7, 2004 03:39 PMOkay, I just finished reading 'about Ted' -- I'm impressed. #45 stuck out in my mind, as well as the fact that you've been to the Dakotas and I've got them at the top of my list of must-visit US states. Don't be surprised if more comments show up in here from me as I continue my Ted journey. :-)
Posted by: Cindy at February 7, 2004 03:50 PMI can't ignore Valentine's day, it's my wedding anniversary. And no, we didn't do it on purpose - it was just the only good day for months on either side. But for the romantically challenged, it has certain advantages - like being impossible to forget. This year (#5) I'll have to be clever, cause the wife's band has a gig that night.
Posted by: buckethead at February 8, 2004 04:27 PM"wife's band"? Tell us more!
Posted by: Ted at February 9, 2004 01:36 PMShawn and I are planning a "Bizarro Valentine's Day," and we're trying to come up with trailer-trash, non-romantic ways to celebrate. Something tells me we'll go to a greasy spoon diner and a strip club, and there will definitely be no sex that day (not that THAT would ever be a question there!).
Posted by: Dawn at February 9, 2004 09:33 PM