That's the traditional Munuvian greeting, welcome and joyful exclamation. And if'n you listen carefully, you'll hear many a 'yay' in the distance as Munuviana expands mightily.
Pixy Misa, author of Ambient Irony, has generously decided to offer up space for relocation and settlement. So far, welcome:
Miss Apropos
Little Miss Attila
Um's Musings
Check back, there will be many more in the near future. Oh, and if they don't look active right away, give 'em a little time because it takes a while to pack up and move, not to mention decorate. Sheesh people, new homes are always painted stark white.
Posted by Ted at March 28, 2004 10:07 AMYay indeed!
Posted by: Pixy Misa at March 28, 2004 01:09 PMMoooooooo-oo
But Now I'm way behind in updating the MuNu links
Posted by: Stephen Macklin at March 28, 2004 05:13 PM