July 16, 2004

So much for *that* nap

So I'm in the recliner after dinner, having told my wife that I'm going to close my eyes for an hour, when the Martha Stewart news comes on the TV.

I startled the wife and both dogs as I came flying out of my chair when Martha Stewart actually compared herself to Nelson Mandella.

I'm trying to maintain some perspective, but it's hard when that condescending and sanctimonious bitch whines about how she's being treated.

Posted by Ted at July 16, 2004 11:18 PM
Category: Square Pegs

Yeah right. Just go read the smear job Bill has done on her, and you'll have that box of sympathy Kleenex out in 2 seconds, mister.

Posted by: Wind Rider at July 19, 2004 01:05 PM
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