July 30, 2004


What Hot Jets cheerleader lives in a castle (for real) and has a prehensile tail?

Ok, trick question. The answer, of course, is our newest lovely (ta dahhhh!): Lemur Girl!

I'm not positive about the tail, but she only appears in long skirts and didn't deny it when I asked. I'm earnest and forthright, not nosy and pushy thankyouverymuch. She's also added her email address to her page, which is one of the ones I commented about a few days ago.

Our latest addition brings the Hot Jets squadron to an uneven seventeen eighteen. That appeals to the non conformist in me (mental note: take shoes off next time to count). The rest of the crew:

Sarah, of Trying To Grok!
Emma, of Miss Apropos!
Lynn S., of Reflections in d minor!
Heather, of Angelweave!
Kat, of Mostly Fluff!
Nic, of Shoes, Ships, and Sealing Wax!
Susie, of Practical Penumbra!
Mookie, of MookieRiffic!
Helen, of Everyday Stranger!
Gir, of Your Moosey Fate!
Tink, of Flitting Here and There!
Stevie, of Caught In The XFire!
Jennifer, of Jennifer's History and Stuff!
Cindy, of Squipper!
Blogoline, of Blogoline's Journal!
LeeAnn, of The Cheese Stands Alone!
Denita, of Who Tends The Fires!

I wish I could claim the power to unleash the power of an Instalanch, even a mere feeble shadow of one, but I can't without your help. So go to each one of the sites listed above and enjoy the great blogging there. There's more to becoming a Hot Jets cheerleader than just the swimsuit audition. It takes brains, and these ladies have it in spades. So go visit and drop a comment on 'em.

Posted by Ted at July 30, 2004 05:35 AM
Category: Links

...me gots brains...? Wow, dat a new development... ;-)


Posted by: Denita TwoDragons at July 30, 2004 04:29 PM


Hey, Ted, how'd you get all the chicks?

Posted by: Pixy Misa at August 2, 2004 12:05 AM

I'm an old fashioned guy and stick to the tried and true methods. I begged.

Posted by: Ted at August 2, 2004 04:38 AM
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