My spell checker said the title was ok.*
Three to go onto the blogroll (actually, two new and one who used to be but got taken off when he was supposed to become a Munuvian but he never really moved and what's up with that?):
Go say hi.
*Yeah, I'm recycling old old old titles from my Blogspot days. Next I'm gonna go out and hug a tree. It balances out, because of all the ozone I destroyed this afternoon spray painting a new rocket.
Posted by Ted at August 19, 2004 06:38 PMthanks a lot for linking me. it's great to have people helping me get the ball rolling.
Posted by: pogo at August 19, 2004 07:57 PMGood luck and have fun with it. You just happen to be comment #2600 on Rocket Jones. Yay!
Posted by: Ted at August 19, 2004 08:28 PMawesome, that's my second favorite number.:)
Posted by: pogo at August 19, 2004 10:04 PMI've been wondering about Meatriarchy, too.
He wanted in but then never bothered to come in.
Wassup wit dat?!!