September 09, 2004

A different kind of countdown

You do realize that these are top posted each day, don't you? You need to scroll down to see the new stuff, but you knew that already. Right?

I've collected a bunch of World War II era magazine advertisements that I'll be posting in the days leading up to 9/11. The Allies then knew that they were in for a fight and they weren't going to quit until they'd won unconditionally. We need to remember that today.

I hope you enjoy these (in the extended entry).


Posted by Ted at September 9, 2004 11:12 PM
Category: Links

I look forward to you WWII era posts, and 9/11 tributes.

I will never forget.

Posted by: vadergrrrl at September 9, 2004 05:25 PM

I'm glad you like them.

Posted by: Ted at September 9, 2004 09:50 PM
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