October 22, 2004

Is there anything we won't turn into a contest? (I'm in)

Over at the Ministry of Minor Perfidy, they're holding a "Guess the end of the election" contest. Head on over and make your guess for the date that all the post-election litigation nonsense will be settled.

Maybe it's just that I'm paying more attention this election cycle, but I already feel like I need a long hot decontaminating shower with a stiff scrub brush and plenty of disinfectant.

Scrub my back, I'll scrub yours?

Posted by Ted at October 22, 2004 05:21 AM
Category: Links

Ted, I am of course eternally in your debt for the link - but I must note that you didn't post a guess. More guesses! Everyone must guess!

Posted by: buckethead@perfidy.org at October 22, 2004 06:11 PM
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