October 30, 2004

BattlePark Launch is on!

It's a little foggy this morning, but once it burns off the weather is forecast to be beautiful!

Links to directions here. Spectatin' free, kids launch free, adults pay a minimal fee.

If you go, look for the red Mazda pickup next to a red sun canopy. I'll be somewhere around there, and I'd love to meet you! I also have several kid-friendly rockets with me that the junior space cadets are welcome to fly and take home for their very own.

Pictures later.

Posted by Ted at October 30, 2004 08:29 AM
Category: Rocketry

Bummer. We were so planning to go. Even planned to get a hotel room last night, but this weekend is just too jam packed. And we had to take the truck in this morning, as the brakes went out last night. I am BUMMED! Can't wait to see the pics, though. Maybe next time?

Posted by: Catt at October 30, 2004 12:21 PM
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