February 06, 2005

Matters for thought

It's not all rainbows and puppies here at Rocket Jones, and even though I don't often delve into deep subjects (this is my happy place dammit!), that doesn't mean that I'm not out there reading and listening and contemplating. No, really.

A couple of recent posts have given me grist for the ol' mental mill.

Debeye describes herself as "A Fierce American in Toronto, Ontario". I'll go further and say she shares some valuable insights about our northern neighbors from the American point of view. She's not all about putting down the Canadians, but she calls it like she sees it.

Her post titled "Events Catch Up To Pretensions" is one of the best explanations I've ever read for the Canadian attitudes about themselves and towards the US. Even then, that itself is just a small part of what she touches on.

There are so many passages I'd like to quote for you, but I'll settle for the following about the Iraqi elections, and urge you to go read it all for yourself.

As for some others up here ... If they're examining their souls and wondering how they could have so misjudged the situation in Iraq then I'd advise them not to waste too much time on guilt or shame but pledge only to open their minds to the possibilility that if a stopped clock can be right twice a day, then Americans too might occasionally be right.

On a deeper philosophical note, Daniel Moore offers up his thoughts on transhumanism, which has been discussed recently on both Instapundit and Transterrestrial Musings (Daniel has the links).

He quotes Leon Kass, but here's the opening teaser:

Nothing humanly fine, let alone great, will come out of a society that is willing to sacrifice all other goods to keep the present generation alive and intact.

That single provocative statement leads down some interesting paths of reasoning. Daniel touches on a couple, and I'm enjoying some quiet time chewing through the implications myself.

Next up on Rocket Jones: Perky Puppy meets Princess of the Rainbow Kingdom!

Starring Bela Lugosi. Heh.

Posted by Ted at February 6, 2005 10:34 AM
Category: Links

Glad to provide the food for thought, Ted.

Posted by: Daniel at February 7, 2005 03:25 PM

Thanks for the link and kind words, Ted.

It just struck me - your site is my happy place too!

Posted by: Debbye at February 7, 2005 07:17 PM

*aw shucks* :D

Posted by: Ted at February 8, 2005 09:40 AM
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