February 23, 2005

recipe *dot* carnival *at* gmail *dot* com

That's the address to email your favorite recipes for this week's Carnival of the Recipes, and it's staying at the top of the page today, so scroll down for new posts.

Helen, something vegetarian please?

Paul, after reading about your molten-lava nuggets, I know you've got something to share.

Oorgo? Shank? You must have something involving blow torches and charred flesh of some sort.

Dortch, I know you've got to have a kick-ass brownie recipe.

I expect something cloyingly sweet from my pal Bitterman, because it's the yin to his yang, if you know what I mean.

Dawn, stick it with a freaking toothpick and send it over. I'm counting on you.

C'mon dammit. It's late, I've got to get up early in the morning, and y'all are just waiting until the last moment. All of you. I know you are.

Posted by Ted at February 23, 2005 11:17 PM
Category: Links

Ted, I can't boil water.

I've tried and tried, but cooking is just not in my genes.

Posted by: Paul at February 23, 2005 11:01 AM

Y'all are coming through for me. Way to go!

Paul, I understand completely. Mookie can cook well enough to survive, but I tell her she's got a bright future in the Army Food Services.

Posted by: Ted at February 23, 2005 12:45 PM

Do'h! How much time is left? I can tell ya how to make a pizza without a stone if that helps!

Posted by: Tuning Spork at February 24, 2005 01:06 AM

"Stick it with a freaking toothpick"

I have about 14 different responses to that one. ;)

Posted by: dawn at February 25, 2005 08:13 PM
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