April 06, 2005


That's the official Munuvian greeting and expression of joy. Find a fiver on the ground? Yay! Your team is playing like they're unbeatable? Yay! Girlfriend comes home from a bachelorette party half-sloshed, horny as hell and arm in arm with her bisexual college roommate? Well, duh. Yay!

Like I said: expression of joy.

But it's also the official Munuvian greeting. So go visit these latest residents and if they've bothered to post something, leave 'em a Yay! in the comments.

Rhymes With Right
Something for the Weekend
Seven Inches of Sense
Stolen Beauty
View from the Pew
A Swift Kick and A Bandaid
Professor Chaos
Cal Tech Girl's World

Tell 'em Ted sent ya.

Posted by Ted at April 6, 2005 05:10 AM
Category: Links

Uh, Ted, I feel really compelled to ask, has that ever happened? The sloshed girlfriend with the bi-sexual college room mate? Or is that something that belongs more in a publication with a story which might start, "I was a freshman in a small northeastern liberal arts college and I never thought anything like this would have happened to me, but . . ."? Here's hoping it happened!

Posted by: RP at April 6, 2005 03:25 PM

Oh, how to respond?

A gentleman never tells. That's always a good answer, and it applies exceptionally well here.

Or maybe it's just the biggest "Yay!" event I could come up with as I whipped out that post.

Now, as to your supposed letter, let me point you towards this: http://rocketjones.mu.nu/archives/010684.html

I hope that doesn't clear things up too much. :D

Posted by: Ted at April 6, 2005 04:16 PM

Excellent reply. As for your letter clearing things up, I knew that a man of taste and distinction, such as yourself, would immediately get the stereotypical beginning of far too many Forum letters. In fact, for kicks, back in college we used to all get together on the floor and read them out loud to each other for the general amusement of the floor mates.

As for biggest yay! event you could come up with, I'll go on record as acknowledging that you (one) think big and (two) fully grasp the yay! concept.

Posted by: RP at April 6, 2005 05:21 PM
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