Last year on May 11th, I posted this picture, showing a small flower bed in my front yard and describing what I was hoping would happen.
Here's the same bed this year, taken this morning (in the extended entry). You don't need a lot of space for a spectacular flower bed, especially if you go vertical with it.
Sorry I posted this in the wrong place.
Hey,Ted!That all looks great.I like the hostas.I would love to see the Dusty Millers,also.It's garden time here,too.Most of my stuff is of the veggie variety.I used to garden a little every summer(mostly containers) but got away from it for a while.I'm trying to get back at it this year now that I have a wide open space at my granny's.This will just to be doing it as next year will be completly different.Plans for then are already being made.I'm gonna rent either a mini-excavator or a backhoe this fall to dig 1-2 ft. deep pits with it.The soil will then be hand sifted back into the pits with plenty of ammendments and no rocks.There's gonna be a new house on the property by next year so I gotta wait to see where it's gonna go exactly.
Eventually I hope to have quite a few 4X12 raised beds.If all goes well it will look like the garden on the DIY channels Fresh From The Garden show.Either way it's gonna be a helluva project with both the garden and the landscape.
Also,let me say that it is great to see others workin' the dirt and if you ever have anything extra I will take it off yer hands,Ted.However,if someone else wants it then by all means let them have it.Maybe i'll have plenty of `maters and such to pass along this summer and fall.I have a feeling that within the next couple of years i'm gonna have stuff out the wahzoo.You don't even wanna know about some of the clone projects i'm hoping to achieve over the next couple of years.Let's just say that there's a whole bunch of bushes,shrubs and trees that have gotten way to big for their britches.
Oh and BTW you all where luck to not get any more weather than that last night.We got hit by four nasty back-to-back thunder storms yesterday.I had just driven through and then out of one in Front Royal.It followed me home.Just as I got out of the car it started to pour.I left all of my plants out because I din't think it was gonna do anything much.WRONG!The lightening came in waves but the rain never let up for a second over about two hours.When it finally did I ran out to grab the plants and bring them inside.They are in three-paks sitting in disposable Food Lion cake pan tops so that I can water them from below.They where floating.That alone was about four or five inches of rain.
No sooner than I got them in I looked north back over the mountain to see yet another huge cell coming over.This was unlike anything I had ever seen before.This thing was shooting up about 500+ feet per second or so and was growing blacker by the moment.It finally got to the point where it developed that greenish tint and started whipping everywhere.There was one part of it that ran from clear back over the mountain to a point several miles down in the valley.This was a funnel that almost made it.If it had it would have been at least and f-4,perhaps and f-5 and it would have been well over a mile wide.It just didn't have enough time.It did manage scare the hell out of our gun shy dogs as well dump several more inches of rain.Funny that I had just told someone that afternoon that I would like to see a nice thunderboomer.Be careful of what you wish for,huh?
Oh baby, that looks absolutely GORGEOUS, Ted!!
I love that particular breed of clematis, and I have a tiny little vine of my own that I'm hoping will vine over a section of latticework that hides the fact that my cherished little "mini-pond" is in fact a large plastic bowl-shaped planter sitting on a bucket and a piece of plywood. Once the clematis covers it up, it'll look stunning.
In the meantime, my roses are going completely bonkers--only a few months after planting them, and my Joseph's Coat roses are putting forth blooms with all the variable color of a Texas sunset. I have fat, healthy rosebuds on nearly every vine I've got. I *LOVE* Spring!!
Ahhh, ain't it nice to walk out, take a look at your yard, and be able to really ENJOY the fruits of your hard work and love...?
Enjoy your flowers, hon! :-)
Posted by: Denita TwoDragons at May 15, 2005 06:52 PMI need you to come to my house. I have a black thumb. I'm in the process of killing about $150 worth of butterfly garden plants. It doesn't look good...
Posted by: Boudicca at May 16, 2005 10:52 PM