December 04, 2003

I'm still not going to stop and ask directions

Kudos to fellow Munuvian Simon for the link to the Blogosphere map of Munuviana (aka Munuvia)!!! Tres cool. I suspect that if Simon had anything to do with it, our inclusion involved the promise of crocodile-skin boots and/or HK hookers in rugby shirts. He seems like a guy who can solve multiple problems with one fell swoop.

Update: Pixy has informed me that Susie is the one who led the coup. All hail the Mater Cartographica!

Posted by Ted at December 4, 2003 09:38 AM
Category: Munuvian Daily Tattler

In fact, it was Susie who led the rebellion against Shah James Lileks.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at December 4, 2003 11:00 AM

Yes, I can't take the credit. I am simply a foot soilder in the Munuvinan army. Those bribes are what I offer Pixy every time I have a question....

Posted by: Simon at December 4, 2003 07:27 PM
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