January 10, 2004

Too good to miss

If you're not already reading Curmudgeonly & Skeptical, you should be. He's posted some laugh-out-loud stuff lately. I especially enjoyed the links to this subliminal site and the simple solution to an age-old problem. Both are mildly naughty.

Speaking of subliminal, here's a nifty version of Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start The Fire". Thanks to SilverBlue for this one.

Ah Flea, thanks for this link to 'The Sweetest Thing'.

A Saturn concept car. Thanks to Not Quite Tea and Crumpets.

LeeAnn introduces us to Clip Clop Comix. This kind of humor is exactly what most scares people about me my style!

Posted by Ted at January 10, 2004 06:29 AM
Category: Links
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