There've been some new MuNuvians added (there are getting to be quite a lot of us too), and some others added to the blogroll farther down. I recommend finding one you've never visited and give a read. If you like it, tell 'em Rocket Jones sent you. If you don't, well, life is full of little disappointments, isn't it?
Posted by Ted at July 16, 2004 06:51 AMI plan on visiting the new Munuvians tonight probably. (I finally got 'em on my blogroll last night.)
btw, didn't you mention that you were travelling up this-a-way in August? Are ya still coming? Jobless Jennifer is contemplating taking a road trip to one of the coasts and perhaps we and She and Stephen can make time to get together for a Munuvian bash.
Posted by: Tuning Spork at July 16, 2004 01:09 PM