May 06, 2005

Baseball Meetup

Just a reminder and an invitation to join us at the Potomac Nationals baseball game on the evening of May 14th. Here's your chance to see the future of the Washington Nationals, put some faces to blogger names, and there will be fireworks afterwards too.

Hope to see you there!

Already expressing interest:

Mookie (and at least my wife and one other kid)
Goddess Dawn
Nic of Shoes, Ships & Sealing Wax
Victor of Publius & Co.
Buckethead (and family) of the Ministry of Minor Perfidy
Newlyweds Rob & Big Hair from L&R

Details, details: The game starts at 7pm, and the ticket office opens at noon. Rob suggested the $10 box seats which looks to be right down on the field. I was thinking Section 3 of reserved seating ($9) because it might be easier to get a group of seats together there. What say you? Either works for me.

Directions and stadium map are here.

Posted by Ted at May 6, 2005 05:29 AM
Category: Links

The Big Hair reminds me that the DC101 Chili Cookoff is that day.


How about Sunday?

Posted by: Rob@L&R at May 6, 2005 10:34 AM

Not a problem, Rob. It's a long season, and we plan to attend several games. Sunday's a no-go for me, getting ready for the following weekend's Team America Rocket Contest event.

Posted by: Ted at May 6, 2005 04:18 PM

I'm still in -- any seating area is fine. I'm a baseball illiterate and am all about getting to see the Rocket Jones entourage! :)

Posted by: dawn at May 7, 2005 10:27 AM

Victor and I will sit anywhere you say. It looks like there's not really a bad seat in the house.

Posted by: nic at May 8, 2005 07:31 AM

As I recently rejoined the ranks of the employed, I am very much up for this. While I won't have received my first, glorious paycheck by then; I know I have money in the pipeline. I no longer need to worry about every last penny, and how to best to allocate it. This is a very good thing, and celebrating with a baseball game seems fitting.

Keep me posted on all the pesky details, so that I can tell my wife and therefore not forget to go to the game, or go to the wrong stadium.

Posted by: buckethead at May 9, 2005 10:21 PM

I wish I could on the 14th. But I have a previous engagement. A few of us are planning on getting together the evening of Saturday, May 21 for a few hours at a restaurant downtown. If you are interested, please drop me a line.

Posted by: The Maximum Leader at May 10, 2005 01:04 PM
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