Here at Rocket Jones, I've had exactly two style designs over the last four years. The "retro" one that you see now, and the original, rather subdued version that lasted for most of three years. Lately I've been giving some thought to another redesign, and looking at different ideas and concepts because I don't want to change things just for the sake of change. The idea is to stretch my HTML/CSS skills, and if it involves some Javascript or other goodies, so much the better.
The point to all this is a link I found:
Color Inspiration from the Masters of Painting
This blog entry examines the color palettes used in several famous paintings. The comments to the post are great too, as designers chip in with the palettes from their favorite paintings.
If you're looking for color ideas (blog or otherwise), this is great inspiration.
Posted by Ted at July 2, 2007 05:28 AM | TrackBackWith a thrilling and distinct history, British sovereigns have grown sought-after by numismatists and collectors.
Posted by: Samira Itzkowitz at April 24, 2012 06:32 PMNice, any thoughts on featuring superstars?
Posted by: Asuncion Nassar at February 16, 2013 02:05 PM